As a church we exist to inspire people to follow Jesus.  Following Jesus begins with one very important first step; putting your faith in Him.  If you have’t yet put your faith in Jesus we would love to help you take this step of faith.

The Bible is clear that every person exist under the burden of sin and spiritual separation from God.  There is no amount of good that we can do to make ourselves spiritually alive and reconnected to God.  This requires the sacrifice of someone who is both man and God, a sacrifice that would pay the sin debt we can never pay on our own.

The Gospel literally means “good news.”  And the good news is Jesus took our place under God’s judgment, and fully paid the price for sin.  Taking this step of faith is very simple thanks to what He did.  Romans 10:9 gives us clear direction…

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

We invited you to take this all important first step with a simple prayer confessing Jesus as your Lord and inviting Him to save you and give you eternal life.  The Bible makes this promise, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

If you have taken this step of faith, we would love to known about it so we can pray for you and  support you in your new journey of faith.